The Oakland A's held their annual FanFest on April 3, 2010. The event included player interviews, player autographs, games and contests, game used equipment for sale, and general merchandise at clearance prices.
My girlfriend and I were there for the autographs. We got there early, and the line was already long. There were two tents set up, and each had really long lines. We thought about splitting up and each taking a tent, but figured we might just end up with the same players as they switched around. We decided to stay in one line, and after the first round of signatures, just got right back into that line. We managed to get through it three times before the event ended.
Our most notable autographs at the event were Kevin Kouzmanoff, Ben Sheets, Landon Powell, Brad Ziegler, Cedric Bowers, Chad Gaudin, and Lenny Dinardo. Some of these guys were playing for the River Cats out in Sacramento a week after the event.
Definitely good times, will be back next year.